Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Well, it took a week, but I finally recovered from the IPCA Retreat. I'm going to borrow an idea from my friend Christi Friesen and let our friend Angela (The Crafty Goat) tell you about it at her blog here. Hopefully soon, I'll have the pictures of the clay creatures I made posted, as well as Jacob Black's Charming Cluster- it's finished, but not photographed yet.

What I do have a picture of is the swap I participated in during the Retreat- funny little story there. You see, I had tried to decide several times if I was going to sign up for a swap or not. I thought I had decided not to, and was pleased with my decision, what with the wrap up of school, and being out of town, etc. So at 10:30 the night the swaps were due (at 8 that morning), the swap captain stops me and says, "Do you have your swaps yet?" and I say, "I didn't think I signed up for a swap," and Suzanne says, "Yes, you did." So, I get busy and make the little green glittery cactus you see in the picture. Has nothing to do with the theme, but represents Texas nicely.

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